:: About Yoga Nidra ::
Yoga Nidra is accessible to anyone. It is a guided meditation that is done laying on your back, supported and cozied up with pillows and blankets. Yoga Nidra means “sleep yoga”, however this is a practice of awakening. You will be guided through the 4 layers of your body (the koshas) – physical, subtle, mental/emotional, intuitive – and into a state of deep rest. In this state of deep rest, with practice, your body will fall asleep while your mind remains alert. When the body is asleep, it allows us access to the subconscious mind, which is where all of our unconscious (meaning what we don’t know) stories, programs and beliefs are held. These are the programs that have been collected and stored from the moment of the spark of inception, those that drive how we view and experience the world and then therefore create our world. You may fall asleep during this practice and that is ok, the subconscious mind is still processing, however, continue this practice until you can stay awake and process it on the conscious level as well. Access to this yoga nidra practice comes with a short video with more information on yoga nidra and how to get yourself set up for the practice.
Access to this yoga nidra practice comes with a short video with more information on yoga nidra and how to get yourself set up for the practice.
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