the dark underbelly of new age spirituality

Sep 26, 2018

I just came across this as a sponsored post in my newsfeed and I just want to call BULLSHIT.
I synchronistically just started a book on spiritual discernment yesterday and the author talks about the dark underbelly of spirituality in the West (and everywhere), where it has become popular to be spiritual, increasing the Big Business potential as well as abuse, manipulation, bypassing, and lots of other shittie ways to distort spirituality. Some (or many) of us go through this kind of distortion and in order to dive deep into our shadows and uproot things that may have been overlooked on a less challenging path. However, discernment is a key tool in a spiritual path.
Do you see these kinds of posts and feel a hit of inspiration, only to spiral downwards when it it not accessible for you to be like this always? Or experience a constant striving to be better, do better, reach spiritual goals, attain some form of enlightenment (ie. in a state of “not enough)? Or maybe you read it and your body contracts or recoils.
I see shaming, blaming and fear-mongering disguised as hope and inspiration, feeding off our malprograms of “not enough”, or “there is something wrong with me”. Ugh don’t even get me started on the use of FACT.
What do you see/feel when you read this? (Feeling fiery tonight! 🔥🔥🔥)
Sponsored post:

If you are not madly in love
with every area of your life
Overflowing in every area
of your life that matters to you
Waking up each day feeling refreshed
and deeply rejuvenated
With a smile on your face
and a song in your heart
There is a reason for this.
If you do not feel turned on
by life’s richness and rewards
If you do not feel the pulsing power
of potent natural energy
as it courses like gentle lightning
through your systems
If you do not feel like you are being
deliciously haunted by your desires
which reveal themselves to you at every turn
If you do not beam love and light
which brightens the fields of those
whom you meet throughout your day
It is only because you do not understand
the way this universe actually works (FACT)

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