You are divinity

May 3, 2018


You have forgotten your divinity.

It’s no wonder you feel like you have to hold up, hold it together, carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and figure it all out.

As though “IT” is something outside of you.

Dear girl, you ARE the world.

You are the question and you are the answer.

There is nothing you need to DO, to SAY, to figure out.

And so is this challenge being presented to you.

It is ALL holy.
It is ALL sacred.
It is all FOR you.
It is all you.

It is time to lay to rest the story that you have to fight for your spot, for your worth, for your voice, for your truth.

You are only fighting the truth that you already ARE all that.

Put down the sword.
Put down the shield.
Let the wall crumble.
Let the water pour through.
Let the light return.

Your light, your BE-ing-ness is the only thing that matters, the only thing that is real.

This theatre play of life is just simply here to remind you of this.
It is unfolding FOR you.
It is being presented TO you.
It is being laid down at your feet in service to your highest growth.

Beloved, it’s time to remember.

Love Letters to Self & Sisters
April 2018
Miranda Sophia

Photo: Mat and Sara Like to Photo //

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